Bay Area Environmental is a distributor for the SeptiTech and BioMicrobics Best Available Technology (BAT) in Central Maryland. SeptiTech is a subsidiary of BioMicrobics. If pretreatment is recommended or required it is to reduce nitrogen getting into the Chesapeake Bay, the law requires that failing systems located within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area be upgraded with a BAT unit. We are not only a distributor for the SeptiTech and BioMicrobics technologies, but we also provide service, maintenance, and installation oversight. Jones Pump Service can help property owners with the Bay Restoration Fund grant program.
The SeptiTech® STAAR™ Filter Systems are designed for residential and commercial properties with minimal operator oversight, while delivering consistently high-quality treatment. During field verification in the state of Maryland the SeptiTech system achieved an average nitrogen removal of 68%. The STAAR unit pumps to discharge, therefore if a pump is needed to pump effluent to the dispersal fields the SeptiTech unit can save the added cost of an additional pump chamber.
• Recirculation pump is dual purpose sprays wastewater over treatment media and draws air in through use of venturies.
• Return pump sends dead bacteria back to head of primary septic tank and recycles wastewater to anoxic zone
• Discharge pump discharges treated wastewater to disposal fields
• Control panel monitors all activity in system and sends alarm conditions for any problem.
BioMicrobics offers a variety of systems from residential 2 bedroom to large flow commercial. Whether you are working on a design-build project or a retrofit Bay Area Environmental can help choose a BioMicrobics technology that will obtain high levels of nitrogen removal. Jones Pump Service can provide maintenance, service, and installation oversite for all BioMicrobics products.