Bay Area Environmental is a distributor for the Fuji Clean USA Best Available Technology (BAT) in Central Maryland. If pretreatment is recommended or required it is to reduce nutrients getting into the Chesapeake Bay, the law requires that failing systems located within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area be upgraded with a BAT unit. The Fuji Clean is the highest nitrogen reduction system in the state of Maryland with a 77% reduction rate.
The Fuji Clean BAT unit has been approved for BRF funding in the entire state of Maryland. Bay Area Environmental works with contractors and homeowners throughout the process of grant application submittal, system installation, system start-up, as well as operations and maintenance. The Fuji Clean is a lightweight, one tank system with a small footprint making for easy installation for contractors.
• 1 tank system- no septic tank necessary
• No moving parts in the tank
• Built in equalization
• NSF 40 and 40/245 certified
• TN removal to 76% with CEN models
• Smallest footprint vs. competitors
• Lowest power usage vs competitors
• Low long term operating costs
• Lightweight tank for installation
• Quick and easy operations and maintenance
• Rapid start up and restart for seasonal homes